Tag Archives: John Boyd

Cool Car Looking For A New Home – 2002 PT Cruiser Limited Edition

2002 PT CruiserHey Cool Car Fans,

I got some flack from Dave Hopwood for calling some of the cars I put up here “cool”, but a cool car is whatever is cool to you.  After all, you’re the one driving it and Dave drives a Ford Explorer with 208,000 miles, so we can’t exactly ask his opinion on what’s cool.

SOLD! buy Threat of Exposure

I had a client contact me last week, she found me through one of the many sources that know about me online, such as Goblin Network, Twitter, Facebook, etc.  She asked me to help a retired gentleman sell his 2002 PT Cruiser Limited Edition The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard video that he hardly drove with just 29,800 miles on it. He can’t drive anymore because of his health, so I am helping him sell his vehicle.  I took it in for a safety inspection and it needs some work that will be done before taking delivery. I’m putting details of it here at CoolCarGuy.com for people to find out about it, so contact me if you are interested in this vehicle.

This vehicle will have a new set of brakes and tires, along with any other work that it needs from having a safety inspection done.  When this vehicle is delivered it will need nothing!  It has leather, is an automatic, has a sunroof, heated seats, stone white with gray interior, plus much more.

2002PTCruiser2I can get you financed with 40 credit unions and a number of banks to choose from through JFR & Associates. If you are interested and want to see it, call me at 720-771-6269 and I’ll get in touch with my client to show it to you.

Ref: Stock number 2002PT

I’m listing it at $7,495 for a quick sale and these are hard to find. If you check AutoTrader, this is the best priced one around, there are only 12 of them available, with the lowest miles and it will without a doubt be in the best condition.

The used car market is going great, so don’t believe the headlines that the auto industry is hurting. New car sales are in the tank, but used car sales are strong in Denver and abroad.

People still have to drive, cars break down and have to be replaced and more people are buying used vehicles right now, but finding them can be a challenge.

Check out NADA for details on this 2002 PT Cruiser, which at the time of this posting is $8,575 for clean retail.

John Boyd

Auto Consultant – John Boyd: The Cool Car Guy

John is an auto consultant with his license at a car dealership in Denver, Colorado. He can help you save time and money on any make or model, new or used, lease or purchase – nationwide! Call or email John about your next vehicle! jboyd@coolcarguy.com or Twitter @coolcarguy

Colorado Hybrid Tax Credits

Hey Cool Car Fans,

2009 Camry HybridEarlier today, I got an email from one of my sources at a Denver Toyota dealership about the new tax credits on hybrid vehicles.

He said, “Hey John, check out the Colorado Hybrid Tax Credits on Toyota vehicles.  If you know anyone in the market this is a good size rebate courtesy of the grand State of Colorado!  Leased Hybrids are eligible too based on Cap and Residual values.  Call me if you need one for your clients.  See you soon…”

The breakdown is as follows according to his data.  I’ll have to confirm this with the State of Colorado, but it’s pretty impressive for some of Toyota’s more popular Hybrids.  I’m not sure what the availability of these vehicles is, but with gasoline creeping up over $2 a gallon again, since the Stock Market has been picking up again, we’re probably going to see more demand for hybrids in the coming months.

  • 2009 Camry Hybrid – Tax Credit Available = $2,043
  • 2009 Highlander Hybrid – Tax Credit Available = $4,688
  • 2009 Prius Hybrid – Tax Credit Available = $3,110

I’m sure there are some incentives on some other brands.  I’ll report on those as I get additional data, but in the meantime, if you’ve been thinking about a hybrid, the State of Colorado wants to assist you in getting one in your driveway.  Toyota has been leading the way with their hybrid technology and I have a number of clients with these vehicles that love them.

Let me know if you are interested in taking one out for a test drive.

John Boyd

Auto Consultant – John Boyd: The Cool Car Guy

John is an auto consultant with his license at a car dealership in Denver, Colorado. He can help you save time and money on any make or model, new or used, lease or purchase – nationwide! Call or email John about your next vehicle! jboyd@coolcarguy.com or Twitter @coolcarguy

Local Car Dealerships Going The Way Of The Dinosaur

Suzuki WRXThere is a very interesting article that showed up at CNN today about how neighborhood car dealers are facing extinction.  The sub-headline to the article reads, The small, independent dealership is struggling to compete in an increasingly cutthroat auto market.”

The example takes place in Westfield, New Jersey, but the reality is that this is happening across the United States right now as market forces have created a tremendous amount of pressure on small dealerships.  They simply can’t stay in business any longer.  The combination of the fluctuation in gas prices, reduced sales and a sour economy have forced car dealers who have been in business for decades to shut their doors.

The business model of having to inventory cars, which are depreciating assets, and every month a new NADA book coming out stating the vehicles are worth less, has not been a good one lately.  If a car dealership has to inventory just 20 cars that are worth an average of $15,000 each, they have $300,000 in cash tied up in those vehicles.  They are not going up in value the longer they stay on their car lot and they have to pay hefty interest fees on $300,000, plus reconditioning, rent, fuel, employees, licensing, taxes and all the other costs associated with running a traditional business.

One of the biggest challenges though, that the article addressed is the following…

“But in late 2008 gas prices rocketed up, leaving him stuck with lots of big trucks nobody wanted. Then, in the fall, the banking system went into a skid. New Norris’s customers couldn’t get car loans and GMAC, which financed his own inventory as well as his customers’ purchases, started demanding big payments on all those unsold trucks and SUVs.”

Talk about a huge problem.  Vehicles that you own, you have to make payments on and people who want to buy your inventory can’t get financed by the banks.  That’s a sure fire trip down disaster lane.

Trucks and automobiles are way more complicated than people realize though because no two vehicles are the same. Especially when it comes to used cars which most people purchase.  There are thousands of parts and thousands of things that can go wrong with an automobile.  Don’t believe me?  I spent about $75,000 last year repairing vehicles.

I’ve seen this coming for quite sometime in the automotive industry, but it’s a disappearing business model as pointed out in the CNN article.

“A disappearing business model

In 2008, New Jersey lost about 60 car dealerships, or roughly 10% of its total dealership population, said Jim Appleton, president of New Jersey Coalition of Automotive Retailers. “We’ll probably lose another 50 dealers this year,” he said.

Nationally, the United States lost about 900 car dealerships last year, according the National Automobile Dealers Association. About 66% percent of the dealers that closed last year were single-brand dealers.”

It will be interesting to see how the market shakes out, but I think we’re going to see fewer people willing to take the risk to open car dealerships using the old style business model.

Instead, you will see more people offering services like I do as The Cool Car Guy by helping support smaller car dealerships without the overhead of a traditional business.  Of course, you’ll have to decide at that point who you can trust and who really knows what they are doing.

I could be wrong, but I’ll continue to operate like a real estate agent for cars by working through a car dealership as an automotive consultant.  This way I can pass my expertise and knowledge on to my clients who know and trust me to save them time, money and the brain damage of having to know the in’s and out’s of a very complex industry.

John Boyd

Auto Consultant – John Boyd: The Cool Car Guy

John is an auto consultant with his license at a car dealership in Denver, Colorado. He can help you save time and money on any make or model, new or used, lease or purchase – nationwide! Call or email John about your next vehicle! jboyd@coolcarguy.com or Twitter @coolcarguy

The Cool Car Guy Show – Keith Reeves Columbine Printing

Castle Rock Radio

Hey Cool Car Fans,

On The Cool Car Guy Show today on CastleRockRadio.com I had Mr. Keith Reeves from Columbine Printing as a special guest on the show.

We heard about why Keith loves driving his 2004 Nissan Frontier pickup and why he has kept his 1999 Subaru Legacy SUS as one of his favorite vehicles that he will have a hard time letting go. He said the Subaru still gets up and goes in the snow and since we got dumped on with about 3 inches tonight, I’m sure he’ll be taking that baby out for a spin tomorrow.99 Subaru SUS

Keith also talked about many of the vehicles he has owned over the years, including a number of unique vehicles like a Plymouth Arrow, a Dodge Challenger, a VW Beetle, a Ford Falcon and a Subaru Brat to name a few.

Keith has his print shop in Castle Rock, Colorado and he takes orders right online from around the country, so check out his website for more information about Columbine Printing and to track him down.
Columbine logo

Be sure and tune into the show tomorrow from 10AM – 11AM MST on CastleRockRadio.com.

_________________________________________________________________________ John Boyd

Auto Consultant – John Boyd: The Cool Car Guy

John is an auto consultant with JFR & Associates in Denver, Colorado. He can help you save time and money on any make or model, new or used, lease or purchase – nationwide! Call or email John about your next vehicle! jboyd@coolcarguy.com

Tune Into The Cool Car Guy Show Every Monday – Thursday 10AM – 11AM MST on CastleRockRadio.com