1966 Datsun 1600 Convertible In A Box

Hey Cool Car Fans,

Recently, I was contacted by a couple in New Mexico to see if I would be interested in buying their 1966 Datsun 166 Convertible. I called this post “1966 Datsun 1600 Convertible In A Box” because this was a project vehicle for her husband, who has had this vehicle in the garage since around 2006.

It’s listed over on CoolCarGuy.com at this link for sale with a Call For Pricing, but I’ll include some photos in this article to check it out. Once this vehicle is sold the listing will disappear, but this blog post will continue being here. The vehicle has been torn down and it needs a complete rebuild since the owner doesn’t have the ability any longer to put it back together himself. He said that he has purchased all of the parts to rebuild it, including a second engine, tires, with boxes of parts to rebuild this vehicle. I’m not sure if everything is there, but for sure most of it is and he paid to get the vehicle professionally painted silver and keeps it covered in his garage. Which is why I said it’s “in a box” in the description of this post.

His wife wants it out of their garage since she’s doing some remodels at their home, so somebody is going to get a really cool vehicle to rebuild as a project vehicle. I wanted to create this post to talk about the 1966 Datsun 1600 Convertible because it’s a really cool vehicle. There were only 11,000 of these vehicles manufactured from 1965 to 1967. It’s hard telling how many of them ended up in the crusher or in a junk yard someone over the past 57 years, so it’s a pretty rare bird. There is a website that is dedicated to all things Datsun that is a cool resource to check out at Datsun.org. It hasn’t been updated in a few years, but it is still a pretty good resource if you’re a fan of Datsun.

Datsun became Nissan for people who don’t know this and Nissan is owned by Renault a French company, but the old Japanese Datsun product has a cult following today. This is actually a pretty reasonably priced vehicle to own a cool car compared to some of the older classic American muscle cars today. According to Haggerty.com the vehicle currently in good condition has a value of $17,300, but a most recent sale went for $47,300. You can click on this link and see the valuation according to Hagerty for this vehicle.

I’m sure someone out there is going to want to get this vehicle and rebuild it for a really cool 1966 Datsun sports car or to add it to their collection after the rebuild. If you want to see a good video from another dealership that was selling a similar vehicle check this video out on YouTube.

The Cool Car Guy – John Boyd

John is the owner of CoolCarGuy.com, a boutique premium classified ad website for cool cars! He also has The Cool Car Guy’s blog and The Cool Car Guy’s YouTube channel. Reach out to John anytime – jboyd@coolcarguy.com or Twitter @coolcarguy

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